We herein report on a 62-year-old man who developed extraadrenal pheochromo
cytoma and von Meyenberg complexes of the liver (bile duct microhamartoma).
The patient identified preoperatively as having a paraaortic mass which wa
s subsequently diagnosed to be a pheochromocytoma. During the operation, sm
all multiple nodules were unexpectedly recognized in the liver. Some of the
liver nodules were resected bg a wedge biopsy, and then were pathologicall
y identified to be von Meyenberg complexes. This may be the first reported
case of the coexistence of pheochromocytoma and von Meyenberg complexes. It
is therefore necessary for surgeons to be aware of von Meyenberg complexes
in the differential diagnosis of multiple liver metastases in malignant di