Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto homologues of cheA and cheW were cl
oned and characterized. A combination of strategies such as polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) using degenerate primers, random-primed gene wal
king PCR and construction of a lambda library were used to identify th
e putative cheA gene. Sequence analysis of the DNA fragments obtained
from the CT strain identified a 2,592-bp open reading frame (ORF) enco
ding an 864-amino-acid protein with significant similarity (53-64.6% i
dentical residues) to the CheA of several genera of eubacteria. In par
ticular, hallmarks of a histidine kinase family were found such as the
location of the histidine autophosphorylation domain very close to th
e NH, terminus and the nucleotide-binding site. A second ORF located i
mmediately downstream from the putative borrelial cheA gene encoded a
195-amino-acid protein which displayed a high level of similarity to b
acterial CheW. Using reverse transcription PCR, we demonstrated that c
heA and cheW form an operon with an upstream, unidentified ORF. The ch
eA and cheW homologues were located at 722-737 kbp, 738-768 kbp and 74
3-824 kbp on the linear chromosomes of B. borgdorferi sensu stricto, B
. garinii and B. afzelii, respectively. Identification of cheA and che
W is the first step toward elucidation of a possible role of chemotaxi
s in virulence of the Lyme disease borreliae.