With the evolution of health care delivery systems, laboratories are being
viewed as cost centers, and their value is being continually challenged. Th
is requires pathologists to be adequately trained as leaders and managers.
New training curricula for pathology residents have been developed, includi
ng combined didactic and mentor-based training. At the University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, the combination of a large academic pathology department wi
th a wholly owned commercial laboratory has allowed the development of a co
mprehensive 1-month didactic management course for senior residents. This c
ourse is designed to develop a broad-based foundation in laboratory managem
ent principles. The reinforcement of many of these principles, however; req
uires additional hands-on effort We describe our first experience with this
1-month, theory based-teaching followed by a 3-month "real-world" experien
ce based on a one-on-one mentor relationship between the director of labora
tories and a senior resident, who assumed the role of the assistant directo
r of laboratories.