A theory of the types of values on which cultures can be compared is presen
ted and validated with data from 49 nations from around the world. Seven ty
pes of values are identified, structured along three polar dimensions: Cons
ervatism versus Intellectual and Affective Autonomy; Hierarchy versus Egali
tarianism; and Mastery versus Harmony. Based on their cultural value priori
ties, nations are arrayed in a two-dimensional space, revealing meaningful
groupings of culturally related nations. Analyses replicate with both teach
er and student samples. Implications of national differences in cultural va
lues for differences in meaning of work are explicated. To stimulate resear
ch on cultural values and work, hypotheses are developed regarding the cult
ural value emphases that are especially compatible or conflicting with work
centrality, with different societal norms about work, and with the pursuit
of four types of work values or goals.