Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy is a myocardial disease of unknown cause
which carries a poor prognosis. Different isotopic techniques provide infor
mation about the factors which influence its development and about its seve
rity and potential to progress. The results of isotopic right and left vent
riculography are important in establishing the prognosis. Thallium 201 myoc
ardial scintigraphy can show myocardial perfusion defects which are often m
ultiple and widespread. The prognostic significance of these abnormalities
has not been fully established. Gallium-67 myocardial scintigraphy may show
inflammatory phenomena within the myocardium, orientating the diagnosis to
myocarditis. MIBG scintigraphy assesses adrenergic presynaptic activity wh
ich, when decreased (heart/mediastinum uptake < 1.2), carries a very poor p
rognosis. Finally, anti-myosin antibody myocardial scintigraphy may show re
gions of acute or subacute cellular destruction which may be markers of myo
cardial toxicity of alcohol and have important prognostic implications in t
he medium term.