Marine fungi are an ecological rather than a taxonomic group and comprise a
n estimated 1500 species, excluding those that form lichens. They occur in
most marine habitats and generally have a pantropical or pantemperate distr
ibution. Marine fungi are major decomposers of woody and herbaceous substra
tes in marine ecosystems. Their importance lies in their ability to aggress
ively degrade lignocellulose. They may be important in the degradation of d
ead animals and animal parts. Marine fungi are important pathogens of plant
s and animals and also form symbiotic relationships with other organisms. T
he effect of disturbances on marine fungi is poorly investigated. Keystone
marine species may exist, especially in mutualistic symbioses. However, as
many saprophytes appear to carry out the same function simultaneously, they
may be functionally redundant. The need for a concerted effort to investig
ate the biodiversity and role of marine fungi globally and on as many subst
rata as possible is presented.