Objective: To review a 1995 Pap smear screening program at Burnaby Correcti
onal Centre for Women (BCCW).
Method: 129 inmates (15%), were screened in BCCW in 1995. General populatio
n data were obtained from the British Columbia Cervical Cytology Screening
Program (BC CCSP) Registry.
Results: BCCW inmates aged 25-29 years were 11 times more likely to have hi
gh grade cytologic abnormalities on Pap smear screening compared with age-m
atched general population (p < 10(-10)). In the 20-34 year age group, 47% o
f BCCW inmates had received at least one Pap smear in 1992-1994, compared w
ith 87% of the general population (p < 0.001). There was no relationship be
tween pap smear results and BCCW inmate ethnicity (p = 0.85).
Conclusions: Prison inmates presented with more severe abnormalities on Pap
smear screening at a younger age, and had received Pap smear screening les
s frequently, compared with the general population.