Quantitation of the milk fat content in mixed fats is of interest in food a
nalysis. It can be achieved by calculation from the butyric acid (C4) conte
nt in the mixed fat and a mean C4 content for pure milk fats. Alternatively
, instead of applying a C4 mean value, the C4 content in the actual milk fa
t can be used if this reference sample is available. A recently improved an
alytical method based on gas chromatography of butyric acid methyl ester us
ing an internal standard has been applied to determine the milk fat content
in mixtures with beef tallow, lard, soybean oil, olive oil, sunflower oil,
palm kernel oil and palm oil ranging from 1 to 90 % milk fat content. With
in the whole range of mixtures, mean absolute deviations between the determ
ined and the actual milk fat content were below 0.5 % and the maximum absol
ute deviation was not more than 1.0 % when using the reference sample. The
overall mean absolute deviation was 0.04 % for milk fat contents of 1 to 10
% and 0.28 % for milk fat contents of 10 to 90 %.