In California's Sacramento Valley, the potential value of rice fields as ha
bitat for waterbirds may vary with harvest method, post harvest treatment o
f rice straw (chopped, burned, plowed), and extent of flooding. Re cent cha
nges in rice harvesting methods (i.e., use of stripper-headers) and a legis
lative mandate to decrease burning of rice straw after harvest may alter ha
bitat availability and use. Thus, we investigated species richness and comm
unity composition of nonbreeding waterbirds during October-March 1993-94 an
d 1994-95 in rice fields of the northern Sacramento Valley. Most (85-91% of
land area) rice was conventionally harvested (i.e., cutter bar), and the r
emainder was stripped. Rice straw was left untreated in more than half of f
ields (52% in 1994 and 54% in 1995), especially in stripped fields (56-70%)
. In fields where farmers treated straw. the most common management methods
were plowing (15-21%),burning (19-24%),and chopping (3-5%). Fields became
increasingly wet from October through March as seasonal precipitation accum
ulated and farmers flooded fields to facilitate straw decomposition and pro
vide habitat for ducks. Species richness of waterbirds was greater (P < 0.0
02) in conventionally-harvested fields than in stripped fields; within harv
est methods, species richness was consistently greater (P < 0.01) in floode
d than non-flooded fields. By contrast, species richness did trot differ am
ong straw treatments (P > 0.23). Species rich ness in stripped fields proba
bly was low because foraging opportunities were limited by tall dense straw
, decreased grain density, and infrequent flooding. We recommend that land
managers wishing to provide habitat for a diverse waterbird community harve
st rice using conventional methods and flood fields shallowly.