We have developed systems for measuring differential displacements across a
fault zone, and examined their resolutions through seafloor experiments at
relatively short baselines. A system for a seafloor extensometer makes use
of precise acoustic ranging with a linear pulse compression technique. The
system has a resolution better than 1 cm in acoustic ranging over a baseli
ne of at least 1 km. The most critical problem is correction for temperatur
e variations, and we estimate that the effect can be corrected with cm-orde
r accuracy in the case of a deep-sea experiment. We have also examined a le
veling system on the seafloor using an array of ocean bottom pressure gauge
s and an ocean bottom gravimeter to detect differential vertical motion, Th
e system is estimated to have a resolution of several centimeters in vertic
al displacement. These system will be useful for triangulation and leveling
on the seafloor, but we need further studies over a longer baseline and to
achieve better long-term stability.