Meningococcal acquisition is a prerequisite for invasive disease. Three hun
dred and eleven male marine commando recruits were studied throughout 29 we
eks of basic training to identify factors influencing meningococcal carriag
e and acquisition including troop number, season, smoking, respiratory infe
ction, antibiotic usage and nasopharyngeal bacterial interference flora.
A high carriage rate on entry to training (118/311, 37.9 %) and subsequent
sustained high rates of meningococcal acquisition were found. Of the potent
ial factors examined, only active and passive smoking were found to be asso
ciated significantly with meningococcal carriage on entry. The association
between active smoking and meningococcal carriage was dose-dependent, with
odds ratios (OR) of 2.2 (95 % CIs 1.0-4.8) and 7.2 (95 % CIs 2.3-22.9) for
light and heavy smokers respectively. Passive smoking predisposed independe
ntly to carriage (OR 1.8, 95% CIs 1.1-3.0). Active and passive smoking comb
ined to give an attributable risk for meningococcal carriage of 33 %. In co
ntrast, despite a high and sustained rate of meningococcal acquisition in t
he study population, none of the risk factors investigated, including activ
e smoking, was associated significantly with meningococcal acquisition. No
cases of meningococcal disease occurred during the 16-month study period. T
herefore smoking may increase the duration of meningococcal carriage rather
than the rate of acquisition, consistent with the increased risk of mening
ococcal disease from passive as opposed to active smoking. Public health me
asures that reduce the prevalence of smoking should reduce the risk of meni
ngococcal disease.