Surveillance of hepatitis A in residents of Eastern Sydney Health Area iden
tified substantial epidemics in homosexual males in 1991-2 with a peak rate
of 520 per 100000 recorded in males aged 25-29 years, and again in 1995-6,
with a peak rate of 405 per 100000 per year in males aged 30-34 years. Dur
ing 1994-5 an epidemic was detected among disadvantaged youth associated wi
th injecting drug use; peak rates of 200 per 100000 per year were reported
in males aged 25-29 years and of 64 per 100000 per year among females aged
20-24 years. The epidemiology of hepatitis A in these inner suburbs of Sydn
ey is characterized by very few childhood cases and recurrent epidemics amo
ng homosexual men. Identified risk groups need to be targeted with appropri
ate messages regarding the importance of hygiene and vaccination in prevent
ing hepatitis A. However, poor access to health services among disadvantage
d youth and a constant influx of young homosexual males into these inner su
burbs present major challenges to hepatitis A control.