Neonatal animals show generally poor responsiveness to foreign antigens and
are known to display polarized expression of Th2-like cytokines and antibo
dy responses. We now report that newborn mice display a reduction in periph
eral expression of the Th1-inducing cytokine, IL-12. Attempts to overcome t
his decrease by immunization and treatment with IL-12 within 24 h of birth
resulted in elevated levels of IFN-gamma and IL-10 mRNA in the spleens of m
ice compared to animals exposed to antigen only. Moreover, such animals sho
wed dramatic enhancement of IgG2a and IgG2b antibody levels upon adult chal
lenge compared to mice primed with antigen alone. These effects appeared to
be due to induction of neonatal B cell memory. IgG1 antibody levers, a mea
sure of Th2 activity, were unaffected or even somewhat enhanced by neonatal
IL-12 treatment. Taken together, these results provide evidence that IL-12
administration induces a Th1-like cytokine response in newborns and causes
priming for heightened memory antibody responses in vivo. Our findings sug
gest the use of IL-12 as a vaccine adjuvant in neonates for inducing protec
tion against common childhood pathogens.