The effect of future subsonic aircraft emissions on the chemical compositio
n of the atmosphere is investigated by means of the coupled dynamic-chemica
l circulation model ECHAM3/CHEM. Present (1992) and future (2015 and 2050)
atmospheric compositions are simulated with three sets of time slice experi
ments. Expected changes of the sea surface temperatures (SST), surface emis
sions of CFCs, greenhouse gases (GHG), and NOx (=NO+NO2) are prescribed. Mo
del results show future increases in NOx and O-3 due to aircraft NOx emissi
ons, which scale almost linearily with the magnitude of the emission. The c
alculated climate change reduces the NOx concentration as well as its incre
ase due to aircraft emissions by more than 10% at flight altitude in 2015.
However, the aircraft induced ozone perturbation decreases only slightly wh
en climate change is regarded.