We report a case of fungus ball due to Pseudallescheria boydii ( pseudalles
cherioma) associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. Direct microscopica
l examination revealed a fungus with broad septate hyphae resembling Asperg
illus and the fungus was Identified as P. boydii on culture. Surgical resec
tion was required to control episodes of hemoptysis. Cases of pulmonary pse
udallescheriasis are rare, especially in Japan. However, some cases previou
sly diagnosed as pulmonary aspergillosis may have been found to be caused b
y P. boydii, if adequate culture studies had been conducted. Unlike Aspergi
llus, P. boydii is resistant to amphotericin B. Therefore, we emphasize the
importance of a correct diagnosis based on culture examination.