We propose a unified notation for representing any CNN topology. The framew
ork presented here is an attempt to provide a common base for the future de
velopment of more general CNN structures, such as multilayer and/or high-or
der CNNs, which have already been of great interest in many disciplines inc
luding biology, chemistry, ecology, physics, etc.
The paper is divided in two parts: first (Sections 1-3) it is shown how to
cast any CNN structure into a so called 'compact form', from which we can d
erive a vector of ordinary differential equations (ODE) which can be used f
or mathematical analysis and for computer simulation of the CNN; in the sec
ond part (Section 4) some examples show how multilayer structures are requi
red to solve hard learning problems such as the parity problem. (C) 1998 Jo
hn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.