Cage experiments with various species of migrating passerines indicate two
distinct phases in migratory orientation in which magnetic and celestial cu
es interact in different ways. The first phase during the premigratory peri
od involves the conversion of genetically coded information into an actual
compass course. Celestial rotation and the geomagnetic held serve as extern
al references. Celestial rotation alone, mediated by rotating stars at nigh
t or by the changing pattern of polarized light during the day, provides a
reference direction away from its center, corresponding to geographic South
. Population-specific deviations from this reference direction appear to be
coded only with respect to the magnetic held. Both cue systems interact to
produce the population-specific migratory course. In the role of providing
the reference direction, celestial rotation dominates over the magnetic fi
eld during this first premigratory phase. Magnetic South, however, can also
serve as reference direction when celestial cues are not available. The se
cond phase involves orientation during migration, once the course is set an
d the birds have left their breeding area. Migrants en route have several o
ptions to locate this course, namely a star compass, sunset cues and the ma
gnetic field, and they seem to make use of them all. During this phase, how
ever, the magnetic compass dominates over celestial cues, as indicated by c
ue-conflict experiments. In case of conflict, the directional significance
of stellar cues and sunset cues is adjusted to be in agreement with the amb
ient magnetic field. Migratory orientation is thus based on an integrated s
ystem of celestial and magnetic cues that reverse their dominant role betwe
en the premigratory phase and actual migration. The reasons may lie in the
changes in the sky and in the magnetic field migrants experience when trave
lling from higher to lower latitudes towards their winter quarters.