The cost and financing of mental health services is gaining increasing impo
rtance with the spread of managed care and cost-cutting measures throughout
the health care system. The delivery of mental health services through str
uctured employee assistance programs (EAPs) could be undermined by revised
health insurance contracts and cutbacks in employer-provided benefits at th
e workplace. This study uses two recently completed national surveys of EAP
s to estimate the costs of providing EAP services during 1993 and 1995. EAP
costs are determined by program type, worksite size, industry, and region.
In addition, information on program services is reported to determine the
most common types and categories of services and whether service delivery c
hanges have occurred between 1993 and 1995, The results of this study will
be useful to EAP managers, mental health administrators, and mental health
services researchers who are interested in the delivery and costs of EAP se