Folate absorption was studied in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes.
Absorption, as determined by the rise in serum folate levels after ingesti
on of either synthetic simple or dietary polyglutamylfolates, was observed
to be 1.6-1.8-fold higher in diabetic rats than in normal ones. Folate tran
sport in everted intestinal segments was also 60% higher in the diabetic an
imals. The enzyme folyl conjugase, which breaks down dietary polyglutamylfo
lates to simple absorbable forms, was induced 2-fold in pancreas 30 min fol
lowing folate ingestion in both control and diabetic animals. Luminal folyl
conjugase, which showed very little activity at the onset, was elevated 7-
9-fold after dietary folate ingestion in the control as well as in the diab
etic group. These results indicate that the induction and release into the
lumen of folyl conjugase is not adversely affected in diabetes and that the
enhanced folate absorption and transport observed in diabetes might be phy
siological adaptation due to increased requirements.