A generalized curvilinear coordinate formulation for the large-eddy simulat
ion (LES) that centers on the fact that two spatial operations are necessar
y to complete the derivation is proposed. The recommended order of operatio
ns is to transform the full resolution system prior to filtering. This sequ
ence rationally directs the filter operation along the curvilinear lines, t
hereby facilitating explicit evaluation of the Leonard stress and its isola
tion from the relative errors associated with the finite-difference approxi
mations of the convective derivative. Representing the transformation metri
cs as filtered quantities in the formulation is justified through their num
erical approximation. The generalized LES formulation was tested using dire
ct numerical simulation results of the circular cylinder near wake at Re =
3400. No discernible differences were detected in the spectral energies of
the turbulent fluctuations by filtering in either the physical domain or th
e transformed space. However, the latter filtering scheme was considerably
cheaper. In the transformed space, high-order numerical approximations are
required for the convective derivatives to inhibit overshadowing of the con
current contributions by the Leonard stress at all wave-numbers.