Water pollution induces pathological changes in fish. As an indicator of ex
posure to contaminants, histology represents a useful tool to assess the de
gree of pollution, particularly for sub-lethal and chronic effects. However
, a standardized method for the description and assessment of histological
changes, mainly for use in freshwater fish, is still lacking. In this paper
, the present authors propose a standardized tool for the assessment of his
tological findings which can be applied to different organs. The methodolog
y is based on two factors: (1) the extension of a pathological change is ra
ted with a score value'; and (2) the pathological importance of this altera
tion is defined as an 'importance factor'. The sum of the multiplied scare
values and importance factors of all diagnosed changes results in different
indices. With these indices, statistical analysis can be carried out. Asse
ssment methods for the gills, liver, kidney and skin are described.