Satellite wave instruments commonly detect banded magnetospheric emissions
between harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency f(ce) in the outer magnetos
phere. To complement an earlier statistical study on the amplitude of these
emissions, we investigate the statistical properties of their frequencies
by identifying the spectral peaks in 193 sample spectra observed with the A
ctive Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Experiment/Ion Release Module (AMPTE/I
RM), normalizing these peaks to f(ce) as determined by the onboard magnetom
eter, and plotting them against the ratio of the plasma to gyrofrequency f(
pe)/f(ce) where fp, was determined from the onboard particle or wave instru
ment. A histogram of the spectal peaks normalized by f(ce) reveals well-def
ined peaks between harmonics of f(ce). In this histogram, as well as in ind
ividual spectra, the higher-frequency peaks tend to occur closer to the ele
ctron gyroharmonic than do the lower-frequency peaks, In about 15% of the s
pectra sampled, more than one peak was observed between gyroharmonics. The
statistics also suggest that the banded emissions shift downward in normali
zed frequency with increasing f(pe)/f(ce) although this observation is subj
ect to the considerable uncertainty in the measured f(pe). These trends may
be consistent with several wave generation mechanisms such as excitation o
f electron Bernstein modes destabilized by non-Maxwellian magnetospheric el
ectron distributions.