The purpose of this study was to evaluate if changes in vascular properties
were related to baroreflex function in patients with primary aldosteronism
. Twenty-three patients with primary aldosteronism, 22 essential hypertensi
ve patients and 16 normal controls were studied. Continuous finger blood pr
essure (BP) was recorded by Portapres device during supine rest and active
stand up. Compliance was estimated from the time constant of pressure decay
during diastole. Baroreflex sensitivity was calculated by autoregressive c
ross-spectral analysis of systolic BP and interbeat interval. The result wa
s that baroreflex gain and compliance were lower in primary aldosteronism p
atients in the supine position (P 0.002 and P < 0.05 respectively). Aldoste
rone plasma levels (R-2 = 0.31, P = 0.01), age, systolic and diastolic BP,
high and low frequency components of diastolic BP variability were independ
ently related to compliance in primary aldosteronism. In conclusion primary
aldosteronism is associated with an impaired baroreflex function related i
n part to a reduced arterial compliance. Despite a reduction of BP values a
nd aldosterone levels, surgical or pharmacological treatment did not signif
icantly change compliance values.