From a sample of 1357 schizophrenic patients hospitalized between 1913 and
1940 at the Phipps Clinic, we have follow-up data on 1212 (89%) cases, with
a mean length of follow-up of 11 years. Of these 1212 patients, 28 (2%) ar
e known to have committed suicide. Suicide was significantly correlated wit
h 1) previous suicide attempts, 2) depressive symptoms, 3) preoccupation wi
th suicide, 4) affective illness in close relatives, 5) poor premorbid soci
al and work history, 6) sexual worries, and 7) psychomotor agitation. Marit
al status, gender, age at onset age at admission, number of previous admiss
ions, condition at discharge from Phipps, length of hospitalization, the pr
esence of any type of delusions or hallucinations, alcohol problems, parano
id or catatonic features, and utilization of shock therapies mere not signi
ficantly correlated with subsequent suicide. The seven variables significan
tly correlated with suicide enumerated above were chosen to construct a sca
le suggesting which patients were at high risk for suicide.