The aim of this article was to study the physiopathology of tumoral uptake
of In-111-pentetreotide using factorial analysis of dynamic series (FADS) a
nd to assess the usefulness of this analysis in somatostatin receptor scint
igraphy. Methods: Forty-one patients were included, 24 women and 17 men. Af
ter intravenous injection of 111 MBq In-111-pentetreotide, dynamic image ac
quisition (68 images of 30 s) began in front of the suspected tumoral site:
thoracic in 10 patients with medullary carcinoma of the thyroid and 2 pati
ents with bronchogenic carcinoid, and abdominal in 12 cases of midgut carci
noid and 17 cases of other gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. FA
DS was performed with FAMIS software. Static images were obtained 4 h and 2
4 h later. For every patient, surgery and/or clinical follow-up (4 y) was u
sed to classify results as true (T) or false (F) positive (P) or negative (
N) and to evaluate both the sensitivity of static images and the usefulness
of FADS, Results: Of the 14 cases of carcinoid tumor, 5 patients were TN;
9 patients were TP with static images but only 8 were TP with FADS (a bronc
hogenic carcinoid of 6 mm was missed). Of the 17 cases of gastroenteropancr
eatic neuroendocrine tumor, static images were TP in 9 patients, and FADS w
ere TP in 5 of these patients (and 4 FN). Static images and FADS were FN in
4 patients and TN in 3 patients, and in the 2 last patients static images
were FP, but FADS were TN. Of the 10 cases of medullary carcinoma of the th
yroid, static images and FADS were TN in I patient, static images were TP i
n 3 patients and FADS were TP in 2 of these patients (and 1 FN), In the six
last cases, static images were FN, but FADS were FN in 3 patients and TP i
n 3 patients, showing an infiltrate. Conclusion: FADS demonstrates that tum
oral kinetics are similar to those of the spleen. FADS can show a diffuse t
umoral uptake corresponding to tumoral infiltrate in medullary carcinoma of
the thyroid or in hepatic miliaria, whereas static images were normal or d