This investigation is to establish a foundation for developing a nondestruc
tive tester with an acoustic analyzer for predicting the tensile strength o
f leather. Observations showed an excellent correlation between the tensile
strength of leather and the corresponding acoustic cumulative energy at br
eak, read from an acoustic emission analyzer. Moreover, a linear relationsh
ip was observed between the acoustic cumulative energy at break and the ini
tial acoustic cumulative energy when leather was stretched to 10 percent of
it original length. More importantly, a correlation was observed between t
he initial acoustic cumulative energy and the tensile strength of leather.
The implication of these phenomena is that the tensile strength of leather
may be predicted without breaking the leather, by measuring the initial aco
ustic cumulative energy. The result of this study thus provides an essentia
l base facilitating the possible design of a portable leather stretcher att
ached with an acoustic sensor. This would allow the prediction of tensile s
trength by measuring the cumulative acoustic energy during initial stretchi
ng without breaking or damaging the leather.