The authors have used CPFM (composition and photodissociative flux measurem
ent) polarized limb radiance measurements combined with a vector radiative
transfer model to estimate stratospheric aerosol number density, extinction
coefficient profiles, and size distribution. The CPFM spectroradiometer is
flown on board the NASA ER-2 high-altitude research aircraft. The vertical
and horizontal polarization components of limb radiance, nadir radiance, a
nd horizontal flux are measured in the wavelength range 300-770 nm from app
roximately 5 degrees-10 degrees above to 5 degrees-10 degrees below the loc
al horizon. Results from two flights during April and May 1997 as part of t
he Photochemistry of Ozone Loss in the Arctic Region in Summer campaign are
presented. Aerosol characteristics are determined by forcing the model rad
iances and polarization to match the measurements. Results indicate number
densities at 20 km are roughly 5-6 cm(-3) with an effective radius of 0.17-
0.20 mu m. Number,surface area, and volume densities compare favorably with
two in situ particle counters also flown on the ER-2.