Most raptor aerial survey projects have focused on numeric description of v
isibility bias without identifying the contributing factors or developing p
redictive models to account for imperfect detection rates. Our goal was to
develop a sightability model for nesting ferruginous hawks (Buteo regalis)
that could account for nests missed during aerial surveys and provide more
accurate population estimates. Eighteen observers, all unfamiliar with nest
locations in a known population, searched for nests within 300 m of flight
transects via a Maule fixed-wing aircraft. Flight variables tested for the
ir influence on nest-detection rates included aircraft speed, height, direc
tion of travel, time of day, light condition, distance to nest, and observe
r experience level. Nest variables included status (active vs. inactive), c
ondition (i.e., excellent, good, fair, poor, bad), substrate type, topograp
hy, and tree density. A multiple logistic regression model identified nest
substrate type, distance to nest, and observer experience level as signific
ant predictors of detection rates (P < 0.05). The overall model was signifi
cant (chi(6)(2) = 124.4, P < 0.001, n = 255 nest observations), and the cor
rect classification rate was 78.4%. During 2 validation surveys, observers
saw 23.7% (14/59) and 36.5% (23/63) of the actual population. Sightability
model predictions, with 90% confidence intervals, captured the true populat
ion in both tests. Our results indicate standardized aerial surveys, when u
sed in conjunction with the predictive sightability model, can provide unbi
ased population estimates for nesting ferruginous hawks.