Qualitative urinalysis using Multistix reagent strips for the detection of
urinary pH, protein, glucose, bilirubin, blood, ketone, urobilinogen and cr
eatinine can be carried out with a few drops of mouse urine. The use of met
abolic cages is not practical for such qualitative studies particularly whe
n several animals are involved. Here we describe two different methods for
collecting pure mouse urine. The single animal method (SAM) involves allowi
ng a single mouse to urinate on Glad(R) cling wrap outside of the animal ca
ge. The multiple animal method (MAM) involves partitioning seven mice into
seven different make-shift compartments laid out on top of the cling wrap a
nd allowing them to urinate. The voided urine, in each case, is then aspira
ted into micro-centrifuge tubes using a Pipetman. Without coercion pure uri
ne was obtained as early as 12 s. Volumes in the range of 10-250 mu l were
obtained. Modifications of the SAM could prove useful for rat or mouse urin
e collection under conditions of microgravity.