Infection with Varicella Zoster Virus during pregnancy is a rare condition.
Chikenpox can lead to various complications:
Maternal complications with the risk of severe pneumonia (risk around 16 %)
with sometimes lethal issue.
Fetal complications: before 24 weeks of gestation (WG), transmission to the
foetus can lead to severe condition in about 2 % cases. Congenital Varicel
la Syndrome associates cutaneous lesions, muscular atrophy, central nervous
system lesions and disseminated visceral infection. Fetal infection can al
so lead to early tester manifestation in the newborn (3 %), or to asymptoma
tic infection (3 %). Molecular analysis of the amniotic fluid with PCR can
lead to a prenatal diagnosis. Peripartum infection, with maternal eruption
between 5 days before and 2 days after delivery, can induce in 25 % of neon
atal infection in the infants with an increased risk of severe or lethal in
fection. Maternal tester during pregnancy does not lead to an increased ris
k of fetal malformation.