We consider interacting vortices in a quasi-one-dimensional array of Joseph
son junctions with small capacitance. If the charging energy of a junction
is of the order of the Josephson energy, the fluctuations of the supercondu
cting order parameter in the system are considerable, and the Vortices beha
ve as quantum particles. Their density may be tuned by an external magnetic
held, and therefore one can control the commensurability of the one-dimens
ional vortex lattice with the lattice of Josephson junctions. We show that
the interplay between the quantum nature of a vortex and the long-range int
eraction between the vortices leads to the existence of a specific commensu
rate-incommensurate transition in a one-dimensional vortex lattice. In the
commensurate phase an elementary excitation is a soliton with energy separa
ted from the ground state by a finite gap. This gap vanishes in the incomme
nsurate phase. Each soliton carries a fraction of a flux quantum; the propa
gation of solitons leads to a finite resistance of the array. We find the d
ependence of the resistance activation energy on the magnetic field and par
ameters of the Josephson array. This energy consists of the above-mentioned
gap, and also of a boundary pinning term, which is different in the commen
surate and incommensurate phases. The developed theory allows us to explain
quantitatively the available experimental data. [S0163-1829(99)00402-6].