A generic prediction of models where supersymmetry is broken at scales with
in a few orders of magnitude of the weak scale and is fed down to the obser
vable sector by gauge interactions is the existence of superconducting cosm
ic strings which carry baryon number. In this paper we propose a novel mech
anism for the generation of the baryon asymmetry which takes place at tempe
ratures much lower than the weak scale. Superconducting strings act like "b
ags" containing the baryon charge and protect it from sphaleron wash-out th
roughout the evolution of the Universe, until baryon number violating proce
sses become harmless. The superconducting strings are out of equilibrium co
nfigurations which admit baryon number violating processes such that all of
the Sakharov criteria for baryogenesis are satisfied. Our mechanism is eff
icient even if the electroweak phase transition in the MSSM is of second or
der and therefore does not impose any upper bound on the mass of the Higgs
boson. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.