Post-conditioning US-inflation was used to determine the nature of the US r
epresentation underlying human evaluative flavor-flavor conditioning. In Ex
periment 1, exposure to inflated USs did not result in the acquired CS+/CS-
discrimination becoming more pronounced than in two control groups that rec
eived exposure to non-inflated USs or no further USs, suggesting that only
the emotional-affective but not the sensory-descriptive US characteristics
are encoded. In Experiment 2, two alternative accounts for this lack of a U
S-inflation effect were investigated, namely that the asymptote of conditio
ning was reached before US-inflation, or that the inflated US was not perce
ived as related to the acquisition US. Because neither of these possibiliti
es was supported, it is concluded that this conditioning preparation eviden
ces learning mediated by the referential system, whereby only the emotional
-affective US characteristics are encoded.