The ability to identify unaffected gene carriers within families may be cru
cial to the success of schizophrenia genetics studies. Data collected from
three family samples (N = 365) demonstrated that poor antisaccade performan
ce is an exceptionally promising indicator of liability for schizophrenia.
A particular antisaccade task version provides large separations (5-6 sigma
) between proband and normal groups. Poor antisaccade performance alone cor
rectly identified 70% of patients in California, Utah, and Micronesia schiz
ophrenia samples. Twenty-five to 50% of these patients' nonpsychotic first-
degree relatives also had poor antisaccade performance, yielding risk ratio
s around 20:1 for simplex and 50:1 for multiplex schizophrenia families. Po
or antisaccade performance is associated with dorsolateral prefrontal corte
x pathology, suggesting that dysfunction of this circuitry also may predisp
ose individuals to developing this disease.