The neural mechanisms of deviancy and target detection were investigated by
combining high density event-related potential (ERP) recordings with funct
ional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). ERP and fMRI responses were record
ed using the same paradigm and the same subjects. Unattended deviants elici
ted a mismatch negativity (MMN) in the ERP. In the fMRI datal activations o
f transverse/superior temporal gyri bilateral were found. Attended deviants
generated an MMN followed by an N2/P3b complex. For this condition, fMRI a
ctivations in both superior temporal gyri and the neostriatum were found. T
hese activations were taken as neuroanatomical constraints for the localiza
tion of equivalent current dipoles. Inverse solutions for dipole orientatio
n provide evidence fur significant activation close to Heschl's gyri during
deviancy processing in the 110-160-ms time interval (MMN), whereas target
detection could be modeled by two dipoles in the superior temporal gyrus be
tween 320 and 380 ms.