The creation of inventories occurs in logistic chains of goods flow. This r
esults from both technological conditions and from the rationalisation requ
irements of organisational activities. In logistic chains within single com
panies, there are inventory systems of different levels. This article prese
nts an example of a two-level system of inventory control in construction c
ompany logistics. In order to investigate and analyse this system, a simula
tion model was employed. The results obtained from the simulation were used
to select input parameters which radically influence the functioning of th
e system. Selected parameters were used to build a criterion function. Tota
l inventory costs are presented as a regression function. The analytical fo
rm of a cost function arrived at in this way allows the examination of tend
encies in forming logistic costs in relation to controlling changes in vari
ables. Here we propose employing simulators of inventory systems in decisio
n support systems (DSS) for the logistics of a company's physical supply of
products, in-process materials and raw materials.