Models of dwarf nova outbursts are calculated for a range of relevant param
eters: the masses of the components which determine the orbital period and
the radius of the disk, the mass transfer rate, and the viscosity parameter
alpha. The visual (lambda 5500 Angstrom) and ultraviolet (lambda 1200 Angs
trom) light curves are calculated using black body and Kurucz fluxes. The r
esulting UV delays show strong dependence on model parameters and, in parti
cular, confirm the existence of a dichotomy between Type A and Type B outbu
rsts. The model predicted UV delays agree quite well with observations, wit
h the "best-fit" for alpha(hot) between 0.1 and 0.2. Earlier, negative conc
lusions and the controversy around the "problem of UV delay" resulted prima
rily from incorrect outer boundary conditions and other model simplificatio