Using a recently designed neutron single-crystal diffractometer utilizing a
narrow-band Laue concept (LADI), diffraction data were collected from a cr
ystal of the coenzyme cob(II)alamin (B-12r), crystallized from a mixture of
D2O and perdeuterated acetone. The instrument was placed at the end of a c
old neutron guide at the Institute Laue Langevin (ILL, Grenoble, France), a
nd data collection with neutrons of 1.8-8.0 Angstrom wavelength to a crysta
llographic resolution of 1.43 Angstrom was complete after about 36 h. This
compares favourably with a previous experiment utilizing the same crystal s
pecimen, where more than four weeks were required to collect monochromatic
diffraction data to about 1 Angstrom resolution. Using the Laue data, the s
tructure was solved by molecular replacement with the known X-ray crystal s
tructure. Difference density maps revealed the atomic positions (including
deuterium atoms) of seven ordered solvent water molecules and two (partiall
y disordered) acetone molecules. These density maps were compared with corr
esponding maps computed with monochromatic neutron-diffraction data collect
ed to 1.0 Angstrom resolution using the same crystal specimen, as well as t
o maps derived from high-resolution (0.90 Angstrom) synchrotron X-ray data.
In spite of the better definition of atomic positions in the two high-reso
lution maps, the 1.43 Angstrom LADI maps show considerable power for the de
termination of the location of hydrogen and deuterium positions.