This paper presents an experimental investigation of the increase in pressu
re drop with particle loading in Nuclepore filters. The average increase in
pressure drop per unit time and particle mass concentration was measured a
s a function of particle size, density, and hygroscopicity. Two different N
uclepore filter pore diameters were tested (2 and 5 mu m, respectively) at
filter face velocities ranging from 4 to 52 cm/s.
Our results showed that the increase in the pressure drop with particle loa
ding inversely proportional to the square root of particle specific gravity
and depends weakly on particle diameter (to the power of -0.2). Furthermor
e, the increase in the pressure drop with particle loading is proportional
to the biter face velocity and inversely proportional to the cube of the po
re diameter. Particle interception and impaction on the pore edges are the
main deposition mechanisms that are responsible for raising the pressure dr
op over time across the filter, especially for particles having Stokes numb
ers below 5. Particle deposition due to diffusion inside the pores is impor
tant for particles smaller than 0.2 mu m. These observations agree well wit
h previously published studies on particle deposition on the pore edges in
Nuclepore filters, Our tests also showed a dramatic decrease in the pressur
e drop with loading for hygroscopic particles as the relative humidity incr
eases from 10% to 50%. The pressure drop dth loading decreases almost inver
sely proportional to the relative humidity for ammonium sulfate particles.