Abdominal tuberculosis is a rare disease in children, characterized by its
polymorphic clinicopathological features and diagnostic difficulties. The o
bjective of this study was to assess the clinical, bacteriological, histolo
gical and radiological characteristics of abdominal tuberculosis in childre
n. Patients and methods: In a retrospective study conducted over a 7-year p
eriod, the authors collected 10 cases (6 girls and 4 boys; mean age 11 year
s) of abdominal tuberculosis in children. All patients satisfied the follow
ing criteria : positive histological examination and or combination of radi
ological signs suggestive of pulmonary tuberculosis, and or a favourable co
urse in response to a trial of tuberculosis treatment. Results: The authors
observed seven cases of mesenteric lymph node tuberculosis, five cases of
peritoneal tuberculosis and two cases of intestinal tuberculosis. Extra-abd
ominal tuberculosis was present in four of these patients. The main clinica
l features were abdominal pain (4 cases) and abdominal distension (6 cases)
. Abdominal ultrasonography visualized mesenteric lymphadenopathy (6 cases)
, an abdominal mass (5 cases), free (1 case) and loculated ascites (1 case)
. Barium enema and small bowell series showed stenosis of the small intesti
ne (1 case), ileal ulcerations (1 case) and a retracted caecum (2 cases). E
xploratory laparotomy, performed in 3 cases, showed whitish granulations an
d peritoneal abscesses with caseous necrosis on histology. The differential
diagnosis included Crohn's disease (1 case) and gastrointestinal cancer (1
case). Four-agent tuberculostatic treatement was prescribed in all patient
s based on the combination of isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, combined
, at the start of treatment, with streptomycin (7 cases) and ethambutol (3
cases). The short-term outcome was favourable with no deaths. The long-term
course was complicated by persistent ascites (1 case) and the development
of portal hypertension (1 case). Conclusion : The prevention of this diseas
e is based on compulsory BCG immunization, isolation and early treatment of
all cases of active tuberculosis.