We determined the intra-individual biological variability of plasma homocys
teine in 20 healthy subjects. The intra-individual coefficient of variation
was relatively low (8.3%), indicating that a single measurement can be use
d to characterize the average homocysteine concentration. A population stud
y measuring plasma homocysteine and serum folate levels was conducted on se
rum samples collected from 1109 randomly selected, fasting adults with a wi
de age range. We determined age- and gender-specific central 0.95 intervals
and found that subjects in the highest quartile of serum folate had signif
icantly lower (P = 0.0001) mean plasma homocysteine concentrations than did
those in the lowest quartile of folate values. An 'ideal' homocysteine ref
erence range, based on targeting these subjects who are likely to be folate
replete, is preferable to the population-based range using the central 0.9
5 interval.