Surveys in the U.K. have identified the patterns of patient exposure from d
iagnostic medical radiological procedures and have led to the development o
f structured advice to promote optimisation of patient protection, includin
g diagnostic reference levels for some common conventional X-ray examinatio
ns. Trends for reductions in individual patient and collective doses from t
hese particular procedures have been offset by increasing application of co
mputed tomography. Practice in diagnostic nuclear medicine is conducted by
authorised physicians on the basis of recommended maximum usual activities
of radiopharmaceutical for specific procedures. (C) 1998 NRPB. Published by
Elsevier Science LtdSurveys in the U.K. have identified the patterns of pa
tient exposure from diagnostic medical radiological procedures and have led
to the development of structured advice to promote optimisation of patient
protection, including diagnostic reference levels for some common conventi
onal X-ray examinations. Trends for reductions in individual patient and co
llective doses from these particular procedures have been offset by increas
ing application of computed tomography. Practice in diagnostic nuclear medi
cine is conducted by authorised physicians on the basis of recommended maxi
mum usual activities of radiopharmaceutical for specific procedures. (C) 19
98 NRPB. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.