Substituted indoles (5-bromo-, 5-fluoro-, 5-chloro-, 5-hydroxy-, 4-methyl-,
5-methyl-, 6-methyl-, and 7-methylindole) were fed at 1 mM for 10 to 21 da
ys into the tissue cultures of Polygonum tinctorium including cell suspensi
on, root and shoot cultures. They were converted into the corresponding ind
irubin and indigo derivatives with the exception of 5-hydroxyindole. The yi
eld ranged between 0.7-1.1 mg/g dried weight for indigos and 0.007-0.024 mg
/g dried weight for indirubins. Presence of the corresponding indican deriv
atives in the shoot culture suggested that the pigment production proceeded
through the indican formation.