Learning concepts and rules from structured (complex) objects is a quite ch
allenging but very relevant problem in the area of machine learning and kno
wledge discovery. In order to take into account and exploit the semantic re
lationships that hold between atomic components of structured objects, we p
ropose a knowledge discovery process, which starts from a set of complex ob
jects to produce a set of related atomic objects (called contexts). The sec
ond step of the process makes use of the concatenation product to get a glo
bal context in which binary relations of individual contexts coexist with r
elations produced by the application of some operators to individual contex
ts. The last step permits the discovery of concepts and implication rules u
sing the concept lattice as a framework in order to discover and interpret
nontrivial concepts and rules that may relate different components of compl
ex objects. This paper focuses on two main steps of the knowledge discovery
process, namely data mining and interpretation.