The Hamilton & Zuk hypothesis (1982) underpins our understanding of the rel
ationship between secondary sexual characters, parasites, and immunological
function. However, despite the wealth of empirical studies that attempt to
address issues raised by the Hamilton a Zuk hypothesis, there have been no
overt attempts to identify the "good genes" that females select or how tho
se good genes influence the hose's immune system. Behavioural ecologists ha
ve generally viewed this aspect of immunity as a black box. In this review
we propose candidate good genes in vertebrates, discuss their role in immun
e function and parasite resistance, and discuss several aspects of the assu
mptions that pervade studies of parasite mediated sexual selection in verte
brates. We also examine invertebrates (specifically insects) where our curr
ent knowledge of these systems suggests the patterns apparent in vertebrate
s are not underpinned by the same genetic mechanisms.