A number of multivariate techniques including nonmetric clustering, nonmetr
ic multidimensional scaling, and principal components analysis were used to
analyze data from a farm pond study in which the pyrethroid insecticide cy
permethrin was aerially applied adjacent to the water body. The techniques
were used to investigate the effects upon benthic and emerging macroinverte
brate communities prior to, during, and following application. Hydrosoil cy
permethrin residue was strongly correlated with changes in community compos
ition, and Diptera were found to be most affected by the perturbation. Howe
ver, any deleterious effect upon chironomid communities was transient, with
Chironomidae larvae rapidly recovering after application. The study illust
rates how multivariate techniques can aid in the interpretation of biologic
al monitoring studies in which an adequate control pond is unlikely to be a