Background & Aims: Gallbladder muscle contraction becomes impaired during p
regnancy. This study was designed to investigate the mechanisms of gallblad
der hypomotility induced by pregnancy in guinea pigs. Methods: Gallbladder
muscle cells were obtained by enzymatic digestion. Cell contraction was exp
ressed as percent shortening of initial control cell length. Results: Contr
action induced by cholecystokinin (CCK)-8 or guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosp
hate) (GTP gamma S) was reduced in muscle cells from pregnant guinea pigs.
The response to KCI or D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate was not different
between controls and pregnant animals. These findings suggest that impaire
d contraction in pregnancy might be caused by defective G protein activatio
n. The function and content of G proteins were examined by using [S-35]GTP
gamma S binding and G protein subunit quantitation. In female controls, CCK
-8 at 1 mu mol/L caused increased [S-35]GTP gamma S binding to G alpha i3 b
ut not to G alpha q/11, G alpha i1-2, or G alpha s. GTP gamma S binding to
G alpha i3 induced by CCK-8 was reduced in gallbladder muscle from pregnant
guinea pigs. Measurements of basal G proteins showed that the content of G
alpha i3 was significantly lower and the G alpha s content was higher in m
uscles from pregnant guinea pigs than in controls. Conclusions: pregnancy m
ay cause down-regulation of contractile G proteins such as G alpha i3 and u
p-regulation of G alpha s that mediates relaxation, resulting in impaired g
allbladder muscle contraction.