Fish feed pellets are usually manufactured by extrusion of a steam-conditio
ned meal. However, since high temperatures are involved in this process, it
is often not suitable for incorporation of drugs. The pharmaceutical indus
try uses a variety of pelletization techniques to cope with this problem. T
o the pharmaceutical industry, pellets are spherical particles with a diame
ter between 0.25 and 1.5 mm. The most popular pharmaceutical pelletization
processes nowadays are the layering of drugs onto inert cores and the extru
sion-spheronization process. Other processes such as the wet granulation te
chnique in the rotary processor seem to be promising. This wet granulation
technique in the rotary processor was used to produce pellets containing a
gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue and penetration enhancers. This pel
let formulation was able to induce ovulation in fish.