Does the mode of self-pollination affect the evolutionarily stable allocati
on to male vs. female function? We distinguish the following scenarios. (1)
An 'autogamous' species, in which selfing occurs within the flower prior t
o opening. The pollen used in selfing is a constant fraction of all pollen
grains produced. (2) A species with 'abiotic pollination', in which selfing
occurs when pollen dispersed in one flower lands on the stigma of a nearby
flower on the same plant (geitonogamy). The selfing rate increases with ma
le allocation but a higher selfing rate does not mean a reduced export of p
ollen. (3) An 'animal-pollinated' species with geitonogamous selfing. Here
the selfing rate also increases with male allocation, but pollen export to
other plants in the population is a decelerating function of the number of
simultaneously open flowers.
In all three models selfing selects for increased female allocation. For mo
del 3 this contradicts the general opinion that geitonogamous selfing does
not affect evolutionarily stable allocations. In all models, the parent ben
efits more from a female-biased allocation than any other individual in the
population. In addition, in models 2 and 3, greater male allocation result
s in more local mate competition.
In model 3 and in model 2 with low levels of inbreeding depression, hermaph
roditism is evolutionarily stable. In model 2 with high inbreeding depressi
on, the population converges to a fitness minimum for the relative allocati
on to male function. In this case the fitness set is bowed inwards, corresp
onding with accelerating fitness gain curves.
If the selfing rate increases with plant size, this is a sufficient conditi
on for size-dependent sex allocation (more allocation towards seeds in larg
e plants) to evolve.
We discuss our results in relation to size-dependent sex allocation in plan
ts and in relation to the evolution of dioecy.