Neuropsychology contributes greatly to the diagnosis of dementia. Cognitive
deficits can be detected several years before the clinical diagnosis of de
mentia. The neuropsychological profile may indicate the underlying neuropat
hology. Neuropsychological assessment at an early stage of dementia has two
goals: (a) to determine a memory disorder, not always associated with a me
mory complaint, and (b) to characterize the memory disorder in light of the
cognitive neuropsychology and to assess other cognitive (and noncognitive)
functions toward integrating the memory disorder in a syndrome. We review
the global tools, the memory tests that describe the memory profile and ind
icate the underlying pathology, the assessment of other cognitive functions
, and the neuropsychological patterns of typical Alzheimer's disease, front
otem-poral dementia, primary progressive aphasia, semantic dementia, Lewy b
ody dementia, subcortical dementia, and vascular dementia. These patterns m
ust be interpreted in the light of the history, rate of progression, imagin
g results, and nature of existing behavioral disturbances. More-over, there
may be overlap between two or more pathologies, which complicates the diag
nostic process. Follow-up of patients is necessary to improve diagnostic ac